Series Trailer

Two thousand interviews in nearly 20 years. That’s my journey thus far as a journalist engaged in an ongoing pursuit of meaningful stories from artists of all kinds—musicians, directors, authors, actors, and more. Most of my interviews have centered on a single idea, a single struggle. We all feel it—the distance and tension between our present situation and our future goals. That counteractive force—the fear, the apathy, the lack of resources—that’s the Resistance.

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.”

-Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

I love these conversations about Resistance because I discover in them a reflection of myself. When I encounter someone who has overcome their excuses, I find the motivation to conquer my own. As an artist describes how they set aside their fears, I find the courage to abandon my own. The power of a shared story is that it helps us write a better ending, and my career as a journalist has shifted my own journey toward healthier choices and more meaningful outcomes.

I sat on this podcast idea for a long time, experiencing a Resistance of my own that kept me from making the leap into the act of creation. But after years of waiting, here we are. A brand new seasonal podcast featuring honest conversations with artists discussing their own Resistance. My hope is that we’ll all find a way forward—together.

Welcome to The Resistance.

— Matt Conner, Founder/Host